Goodbye, 2023!’s Annual Recap
2023 is coming to an end, which means it's time to revisit what happened with the team and the project of in the past 12 months.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery are the secret sauces of shipping new features consistently and reliably to your software. However, the effectiveness of this process is closely tied to the tooling that orchestrates it. Some of the pain points of CI/CD systems are slow feedback loops, vendor lock-in, lack of abstraction, limited composability, or YAML itself. This is where Dagger comes into the spotlight, promising a more unified and accelerated path.
The development and deployment process at has already become much faster each year as we adopt and integrate better tools and methods. However, we aim to further unify and accelerate this. Dagger philosophy aligns with what we consider crucial for a truly rapid and seamless process:
Currently, we have the option to use our own (we’ll refer to it as dyo many times in this blog post) go CLI with our commands or Docker Compose with its YAML to spin up our stack for local testing, while we also maintain a GitHub Actions workflow for running end-to-end tests on GitHub. This setup lacks coherence, as we cannot employ the specialized GitHub Actions workflow YAML in a local setting or with a different CI/CD environment.
We want to get closer to being able to ship every single day, or even multiple times a day, as quickly as we possibly can, using the same tool running locally and in CI. Dagger feels like an actual innovation in CI/CD, and it seems it will enable us to do that. There is also a strong focus on getting feedback from the community and utilizing it when we’re designing and building something that people really need.
We would like to use Dagger locally with the dyo Go CLI, and for this we need the Dagger Go SDK for integration (there are many Dagger SDKs) and the Dagger Engine, which will run our pipelines. We developed a small proof of concept (POC) to evaluate if we could use our entire stack locally with Dagger. If this POC will be successful, we plan to use the same setup in our GitHub workflow, essentially using GitHub Actions just to trigger the Dagger pipeline.
Steps to set up Dagger for our project:
(again, you can use any other Dagger SDK for your project, but we use Go) Go to your existing project – in our case it is dyrectorio.
$ go get
$ go mod tidy
It is for simple and fast “make test” (similarly to our other commands).
# Shortcut for local testing
.PHONY: test
go run golang/cmd/dagger/main.go
We already have dyo, dagent and crane in our golang/cmd, so put dagger here too.
Create a Dagger client using the SDK This will allow you to interact with the Dagger Engine and create pipelines.
Additional note: We can also install the Dagger CLI if we want to, but this is an optional tool to interact with the Dagger Engine from the command-line – it has a nice terminal UI though, with parallel progress bars that are visually impressive if you are into that sort of thing.
Install the Dagger CLI
$ cd /usr/local
$ curl -L | sh
As you will see, the “Dagger way” is a very “Docker-ish” way - no surprise, one of the co-founders of Dagger is Solomon Hykes, earlier founder and technical director of Docker.
To show you concrete code examples from our POC:
Import Dagger SDK In our main.go:
import (
Create a Dagger client using the SDK
func initDaggerClient(ctx context.Context) *dagger.Client {
client, err := dagger.Connect(ctx, dagger.WithLogOutput(os.Stdout))
if err != nil {
return client
And we can call this initDaggerClient() function in our main() like this:
ctx := context.Background()
client := initDaggerClient(ctx)
defer client.Close()
Run unit tests on our NestJS-based Crux backend:
func runCruxUnitTestPipeline(ctx context.Context, client *dagger.Client) {
log.Info().Msg("Run crux unit test pipeline...")
_, err := client.Container().From("node:20-alpine").
WithDirectory("/src", client.Host().Directory("web/crux/"), dagger.ContainerWithDirectoryOpts{
Exclude: []string{"node_modules"},
WithExec([]string{"npm", "ci"}).
WithExec([]string{"npm", "run", "test"}).
if err != nil {
log.Info().Msg("Crux unit test pipeline done.")
We can call this runCruxUnitTestPipeline() function in our main(): runCruxUnitTestPipeline(ctx, client)
Run unit tests on our Next.js-based Crux UI frontend is very similar to the above code, we only need to change the host directory to “web/crux-ui/” and an additional “.next” exclusion, everything else remains the same:
WithDirectory("/src", client.Host().Directory("web/crux-ui/"), dagger.ContainerWithDirectoryOpts{
Exclude: []string{"node_modules", ".next"},
A slightly more advanced example when we run our Crux backend in production mode (as we do for e2e test) with a connected PostgreSQL DB service container:
func getEnv(envPath string) map[string]string {
cruxEnv, err := godotenv.Read(envPath)
if err != nil {
return cruxEnv
func getCruxPostgres(client *dagger.Client, cruxEnv map[string]string) *dagger.Container {
databaseURL := cruxEnv["DATABASE_URL"]
parsedURL, err := url.Parse(databaseURL)
if err != nil {
postgresUsername := parsedURL.User.Username()
postgresPassword, _ := parsedURL.User.Password()
postgresDB := strings.TrimPrefix(parsedURL.Path, "/")
dataCache := client.CacheVolume("data")
cruxPostgres := client.Pipeline("crux-postgres").Container().From("postgres:14.2-alpine").
WithMountedCache("/data", dataCache).
WithEnvVariable("POSTGRES_USER", postgresUsername).
WithEnvVariable("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", postgresPassword).
WithEnvVariable("POSTGRES_DB", postgresDB).
WithEnvVariable("PGDATA", "/data/postgres").
return cruxPostgres
func runCruxProd(ctx context.Context, client *dagger.Client, cruxPostgres *dagger.Container) *dagger.Container {
crux := client.Pipeline("crux").Container().From("node:20-alpine")
crux = crux.
WithDirectory("/src", client.Host().Directory("web/crux/"), dagger.ContainerWithDirectoryOpts{
Exclude: []string{"node_modules"},
WithServiceBinding("localhost", cruxPostgres).
// WithEnvVariable("NOCACHE", time.Now().String()).
WithExec([]string{"npm", "ci"}).
WithExec([]string{"npm", "run", "build"}).
WithExec([]string{"npm", "run", "prisma:migrate"}).
WithExec([]string{"npm", "run", "start:prod"})
_, err := crux.Stdout(ctx)
if err != nil {
return crux
We can run the above code in our main() like this:
cruxEnv := getEnv("web/crux/.env")
cruxPostgres := getCruxPostgres(client, cruxEnv)
runCruxProd(ctx, client, cruxPostgres)
We would like to note that we made our POC with Dagger 0.8.x during September, so the code snippets above will show that. But even then the new API development of Dagger Services v2 (which we will need for our complex e2e pipeline) was in progress at Dagger in a separate feature branch and they promised on their Discord forum back then that this new API with some breaking changes will be included in Dagger 0.9. It wasn’t just us showing demand for parallel long running service containers - and they kept their word and it is indeed included in Dagger 0.9.0 released at the end of October. Shouts to Team Dagger!
We put our POC on hold in October, but we have been keeping an eye on Service v2 developments and news. We will try out Service v2 in the near future and dedicate another blog post to whether we managed to solve our entire e2e pipeline with Dagger.
Dagger efficiently caches each step of the pipelines, automatically handling the caching of source code copies, containers and builds, and when developers configure it programmatically, it also caches mounted volumes such as database data, node_modules, and Go build-cache. Our logs provide clear examples of this on reruns without code modifications.
copy web/crux/ CACHED
> in web/crux/
> in crux-postgres > from postgres:14.2-alpine
> in crux > service bvqf991cmob5i.97ul8ph8qf1qc.dagger.local
exec postgres
> in crux > service bvqf991cmob5i.97ul8ph8qf1qc.dagger.local
[0.15s] PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization
[0.30s] 2023-11-08 10::11.131 UTC [15] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
exec npm run build CACHED
> in crux
exec npm run prisma:migrate CACHED
> in crux
exec npm ci CACHED
> in crux
copy / /src CACHED
> in crux
exec npm run start:prod
> in crux
[0.57s] > crux@0.7.0 start:prod
[0.57s] > node dist/main
[2.31s] [Nest] 33 - 11/07/2023, 14:24:13.142 AM LOG [NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
We were able to run most of our stack with Dagger 0.8.x, the Crux backend and the Crux-UI frontend separately, but our entire e2e test will require Dagger 0.9.x with the Services v2 API that we can run Crux, Crux-ui, Traefik and Kratos as long running service containers for the Playwright e2e container.
If you want to know more about the Services v2, Dagger wrote a blog post about it here:
The fact that we can write the CI/CD code in Go and in a docker-like style had a refreshing effect on us. Here are some general tips:
We have seen firsthand the transformative nature of Dagger and the flexibility of its programmable pipelines. It stands out as a forward-thinking solution, addressing typical CI/CD bottlenecks with a developer-centric approach. Since Dagger is relatively new and evolving, keeping an eye on updates and community feedback can help in adopting best practices as they emerge.
There’s still lot to learn about Dagger, so it might be worth the time to check out the following resources to learn about this tool:
This blogpost was written by the team of is an open-source continuous delivery & deployment platform with version management.
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